HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.Always remember it is a markup language not programming language.Markup language is used to mark up web pages i.e. it provide proper structure to the web element.HTML 5 is the latest trend on the web with several new feature added.Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) is used for styling purpose the element of html. To run a HTML code, all you need is
1. A Code editor (notepad,notepad++,context,dreamweaver,aptana studio many light weight code editor are available for free, last two is used by professionals to develop websites)
2.A Browser (firefox,IE,chrome,safari,opera etc)
Extension of a HTML file is .htm or .html
this is the code for helloworld.html
Paste the following code in notepad and save as helloworld.html
<html> <!--starting the code with html tag-->
<head> <!--starting head tag-->
<title> <!--starting title tag-->
Hello World
</title> <!--closing title tag-->
</head> <!--closing head tag-->
<body> <!--starting body tag-->
<h1>HELLO WORLD</h1> <!--staring heading tag and heading within then closing tag-->
</body> <!--closing body tag-->
</html> <!--closing html tag-->
Now simply open the file.Explaining the code:-
HTML is all about TAGS. i.e. <html>,<body>,<h1> all are tags.
there are two types of Tags :
1. single tags
2.Pair Tags
single tags are <br /> <hr /> <link />
moat are pair tags. like <html></html> both are pair.
Every HTML code start with <HTML> and </HTML>(i'll explain DOCTYPE later).All the codes are written within these 2 tags.Next is <HEAD> tag which contain <TITLE> tag which hold the title of the webpage and shows on the title bar of the web page.<head> tag also contain javascripts,css links etc.Next is <BODY> tag.All the element that will be displayed on the page will go through this tag.<H1> is used for heading.
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